You’ve always been a leader. A bright student. The type of person who’s eager to help. Becoming a teacher is the perfect outlet for using your skills and strength.
Curriculum in the College of Education is designed to be student-centered and intellectually challenging, while preparing students through field and internship experiences that offer real life education opportunities.
In addition to producing outstanding graduates in the field of teaching, the College of Education is home to exciting new programs like sports administration, recreation, exercise science, athletic training, travel and tourism, and more.
The purpose of this organization will be to allow Middle Grade Education Majors and all those interested in Middle Grades Education to collaborate, socially and professionally, to provide an atmosphere where connections are fostered, and to provide opportunities for service learning in Middle Grades area.
Dr. Jim Hollar
Dr. Rebecca Nelson
Our club’s purpose is to provide our members with valuable ideas and information. We may tour education facilities, listen to speakers, volunteer, and get involved on campus and in the community. Our club helps to make our members more aware of their resources and encourage them to get involved and share thoughts and ideas about becoming a future educator. $10 yearly membership dues.
Monthly meetings - COE 104 - 6:30-7:30 PM - 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Mrs. Lisa Jelden
Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching.
KDP is named with the Greek words for Knowledge, Duty and Power. KDP provides service to local schools and educators and also recognizes them during our annual Celebration of Teaching event. We host guest speakers/educators and hold interactive meetings to provide future teacher educators with experiences and information to better prepare them for their future classroom.
Minimum GPA of 3.5 and $65/Membership dues. Financial Assistance may be available. See more details or join.
Tuesdays, 7-8 PM - COE B-165 Conference Room
FALL semester: 9/10, 10/8, 10/29, 11/12
Dr. Dena Harshbarger
Aspiring Educators (formerly S.E.A.N) is a University of Nebraska-Kearney campus organization that is open to all education majors. We are an affiliate of the Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA), and the National Educational Association (NEA), which serves over 2.3 million professional teachers throughout our nation with many active chapters across Nebraska. If you are an education major in any area, we encourage you to think about how Aspiring Educators (formerly S.E.A.N.) can help you!
Dr. Glenn Tracy
This organization provides support and connections through the College of Education and content areas to any student pursuing a teaching career in secondary education.
Tuesdays from 6-7 pm
Dr. Ted Rupnow
Dr. Rebecca Nelson
Our mission is to unite college students and people with developmental disabilities to enhance their lives through sport, friendship, advocacy and other activities. We run a Young Athletes program for children ages 2-8 with developmental disabilities. The goal of Young Athletes is to work on gross motor skills to help prepare the children for participation in Special Olympics when they are old enough. We also support 体育菠菜大平台 United Intramurals.
Like us on Facebook: S.O. College–体育菠菜大平台
3rd Wednesdays of each month - 6:30-7:30pm - COE B154
Faculty Advisors
Dr. Christine Fisher
Mrs. Kathy Maxson
This organization provides incoming and continuing future educators of color a space for engagement, mentorship, leadership, and professional development opportunities. Meetings will build upon critical reflection and community building skills already present in communities of color and seek to improve equitable outcomes in the field of education.
Faculty Advisors
Dr. Jami Holbein Swanson
Dr. Rebecca Nelson